Skippy's World

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Political Time.

Politics at its finest has a new home here at Skippy's World.

To start you off, here is simply the greatest website ever. Having doubts about Kerry but don't like Bush? This will help you make up your mind.

(Kerry shaking hands when he came to GW.)  Posted by Hello

Once again that's,

Topics of essays include the following.

Instances of Doucheitude and Why it Doesn't Matter

How Fucked We are Right Now

How Fucked We will be With 4 More Years of George W. Bush

Why This is Not the Time or the Place to Vote for a 3rd Party Candidate

Why Every Conservative Should Seriously Consider Voting Democrat this Fall

And here is a wonderful quotes from the new GQ piece on Colin Powell. The quote is from his Harlan Ullman, Colin Powell's mentor from the National War College and a well known military scholar.

"Ullman said, "I can tell you firsthand that there is a tremendous barrier between Cheney and Powell, and there has been for a long time. It's like McCain saying that his relations with the president are 'congenial,' meaning McCain doesn't tell the president to go fuck himself every time." Then he added, "Condi's a jerk.""

Read the rest here.

L to R: My little Josh Rudawitz, and the men of the hour, Sigberto Garcia and Ryan Boivin. Both will be getting "into the blue" tomorrow when they leave for Air Force ROTC boot camp. The thoughts of all of here at "Skippy'w World" are with them and we will support them with copious amounts of gay porn. Good luck boys, knock them dead. Posted by Hello

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Behind the Scenes: The now INFAMOUS Livingston Geneva Fax Prank

By now many of you may have heard the tale of the Poli Comm Professor tracked around the world. For those of you who have not, let me fill you in on this NOW APPARENTLY LEGENDARY Prank.

It began with at 2am email late Sunday night (well technically early Monday morning) on May 2nd. Our professor for intro to political communication, Professor Steven Livingston, sent out this email to us.

“I have decided that it makes more sense and is more convenient to ask you to address the following questions outside the formal classroom setting. In other words, let’s make it a take-home exam.”

Perpetually suspicious of Poli Comm prankster Kyle Stoneman, one of our fellow enterprising students, Jordon M., decided to do a little investigating to make sure that everything was on the level with this “take home final.”

Stoneman, the PRANKSTER who turned out to be innocent. This is a pic from Kato’s party during his magic show.  Posted by Hello

And he found THIS.

Jordon's detective work turned up THIS. Posted by Hello

The properties of the word document showed that it had been typed on a computer whose company was registered as the mysterious sounding “Hotel Mon Repos.”

A quick google search of the “Hotel Mon Repos” uncovered this website. This is the “Hotel Mon Repos” a very nice hotel in GENEVA, SWITZERLAND.

The Hotel Mon-Repos' website in Geneva, Switzerland. Posted by Hello

Now of course no self-respecting political communication student could let this realization go unfounded without causing mischief. So how did we decide to capitalize on it?

Well after a group meeting, 2 international phone calls to confirm Professor Livingston’s presence in Geneva we decided to send him a little note. A trip to the Kinkos at 2020 K. St. and $6.35 to send an international fax and…viola! Our prank was complete.

The fax and the link to view the full .pdf is below.

The now INFAMOUS Livingston fax. Click to view the full size .PDF file.  Posted by Hello

Of course the best part was playing a prank on a professor on another continent, who didn’t know that we knew he was in Switzerland and sure as hell hadn’t told us what hotel he was staying at (or that he was in room #37). And then he woke up to a sweet fax from us…

Good times. Good work Deanna, Jordon, Ryan, Kato, Kyle, Ed, and the rest of the crew.

My toast to the loss of Johnny Cash earlier in the year.

In that tradition, and in the spirit of Bert's ingenious toast, here's one of my own that's been gracing my profile for the last week or so. Enjoy.

So here's to taking every advantage of every opportunity that knocks.
To not fearing the unknown, but exploring and embracing it.
Here's to the discoveries about yourself that change your life.
To waking up to new possibilities instead of old problems.
To one day at a time and living every day that comes.
To no regrets...and to accepting that no matter how hard you try you'll always have them.
To the one that got away...and the one you haven't yet met.
To all the places you'll go, especially the ones you never expected.
To chasing your dreams.
To life the life in your days and time of your life.
This toast goes out no matter if you're here nor there, this one is for everyone anywhere.

 Posted by Hello

This night gets a little fuzzy...but view the GREATEST VIDEO CLIP EVER here. Thanks to Jenna for the pics and the video clip.  Posted by Hello

Hear no evil, see no evil, um...monkey face no evil? From top to bottom and left to right, Matt, Johnny, Ali, Alex, me, and Mike D. pose for a goodbye shot. Faces that'll haunt you forever.  Posted by Hello

Move-out day means one last photo opportunity for some of the old HOVA crew. From hurricane football to belting out 80s hits, this year has been unforgettable. Erica, Jenna, Carey, Alex, and I smile on Jenna's couch one last time. For more great pics from this year check out Erica's photo site. Posted by Hello

"I fear that I am ordinary just like life has been extraordinary, blessed, and cursed, and won."
-The Smashing Pumpkins, "Muzzle"
 Posted by Hello

Welcome to Adam's return to introspection, interweb style. For those of you who have missed the updates on the zany antics of my life, well you need to long for their return no more. Here, at "Skippy's World," my humiliations, inner thoughts, and adventures will all aired to billions on the internet. I have returned in full force…and with pictures too. It’s been a wild year since I stopped blogging, I can’t even begin to explain all that went down.

For example, it turns out that love really is the most powerful force in the universe. And having your heart broken really does make you want to pick up a guitar and write a country song about it. But that’s not here nor there.

Because now I’m halfway through college and I’m perched on the edge of the greatest summer of my life.

So it’s time for everyone to rejoin me so that you can track my days via this blog.

Because in the coming weeks and months I’ll be starting my dream job at the Kerry campaign, living an incredible summer in a townhouse with 4 of my best friends, and eventually studying abroad overseas. You just know I’m gonna have some fun along the way.

Because if you thought what came before was exciting…let’s just say that you ain’t seen NOTHING yet. Because the best is yet to come.

So I have three words for life right now that I know this President will understand. Bring. It. On.