Skippy's World

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Liter of Strongbow Hard Citer...3.10 pounds.
Student Tickets to the London Philharmonic Orchestra...5 pounds.
Unplanned Ticket for Weekend in Brussels...100 pounds.
Discovering Adam...Priceless.

Where the streets have no name...

A couple of days ago I was chatting with an old friend from home who asked me why I came to London. And the truth of the answer isn't what most people think, like fleeing the country after Bush won or an unusual attraction to bad teeth. Some people in life are thrill-seekers, seeking out cliffs to jump off or big mountains to scale. I've always thought of myself as a challenge-seeker, never wanting to grow complacent and always worried I was missing out. And at times that trek has brought me around the country and now...across the sea.

I guess the best way to put what I'm hoping to find from this can be summed up, in a curiously unsuprising way, by a television commercial I've never really forgotten. It's one of those campy and cheesy Mastercard commercials about a college kid backpacking through Europe.

The finals shot in the commercial is a long shot of "Steve" on a train with Europe wizzing by in the background. The biggest smile breaks out on his face and it says simply...

"Discovering Steve...Priceless."

I haven't had a "Discovering Adam" moment yet but my quest for one brought me here. Where I'll find it in the next few months, I have no idea. But I've rarely had any idea where the path would take me when I started down a road and it hasn't worked out too badly so far.

What will your cheesy mastercard commerical be?

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Curious Adam Goes to Parliment

It all begins with the Big Clock thing, right as you step out of the Westminster tube station.

And of course the requisite "Adam in front of as many things as possible" picture.

A beautiful soaring shot of Big Ben against blue skies. Honestly I have no idea where those blue skies came from, I never saw them.

The West-minster-izzle looking skyward.

Seriously I don't know where these blue skies came from, but they sure do make Westminster look pretty.

Finally one of my favorite pictures of all time. A statue overlooks Westminster abbey as the moon shimmers ever so slightly above. Beautiful.

Stonehenge. Mi amigos y yo. 'Nuff said.

This is me...taking advantage of a statue of Jane Austen outside of her tourist center in Bath. She said yes...I swear.

Monday, January 17, 2005

This is why people like me should not be allowed to have Photoshop.

Sunday, January 16, 2005


Remember that Adam's vast web empire spans far beyond this blog, though you can use this as central stopping point for all your one-stop Adam's adventure needs. But I highly recommend that you bookmark (and often check) these other approved websites.

The first is my roommate's blog, aptly entitled "An American Jackass in London." You can see a shot of him mugging near parliment below.

Be sure and visit his blog at

This is Evan Haas, my roommate and PIKE brother, FYI. He's a Haas-hole. And a fan of Haas-elhoff. Yuk Yuk Yuk.

Also make sure to stop by my new webshots photos page, specially created for the Study Abroad experience. The link for that is below. Check back often because I'm always out there snapping pics of us having a good time.

Adam's Webshots London Photos.

Stonehenge is a large pile of rocks.
And it doesn't actually DO anything.

Alas our weekend trek to Bath began with a stop off at awe-insipiring Stonehenge. The awe lasts for a few minutes before it wears off and you question the actual UTILITY value of the pile of rocks. In my mind I can see the big party the people who built Stonehenge had when they were done. "So that's it? It's know not without it's charm. But what does it do?" My new theory is that Stonehenge was a showroom model from an ambitious entrepreneur who underestimated the market for massive stone monuments thousands of years ago.

Yes, Evan and I are THOSE GUYS at Stonehenge. Hide your children.

Adam Conner. Delightfully tacky and unrefined.

Oh man, what are Matt, Jess, and Katie looking at?!?


This is "Scrumpys" or as I like to call it "Scrumpy Jacks." It comes in 2 liter bottles for 3 pounds and has 7.5% alcohol by volume. It also tastes somewhat like a combination of boxed red wine and milwaukee's best. That's Grant and I consuming a liter apiece.

Grant finishing off the Scrumpys. This was necessary because we were going to a pantamime show in Bath. The highlight of the show became the IES kids in the audience who discovered that the show wanted you to yell at the cast...AND the main character's name was Dick.

Scrumpy's SUPERIOR and cheaper brother "Strongbow." A personal favorite of Evan and I, wonderfully modeled here by the lovely Seth Russel.

Well...well...well the game's afoot. Lunch for a pound with a ton of G-Dubbers in Bath?!?! Sign me up!