Skippy's World

Thursday, December 09, 2004

From my AIM Profile a new favorite quote to reflect the last few months of my life and also 2 AIM conversations of comedic value.

"Keep fighting for freedom and justice...but don't forget to have fun doin' it. Let your laughter ring forth. Be outrageous, ridicule the fraidy-cat, rejoice in all the oddities that freedom can produce. And when you get through kickin' ass and celebratin' the sheer joy of a good fight, be sure to tell those who come after how much fun it was."
-Molly Ivins

ME: you think you know anyong, but you have NO IDEA
SCOTT: you're so fucking anyong and you don't even know it

ME: man i got a little sauced last night. 100% by myself
LENORE: the democratic party: no we're just fine, thanks

"In Good Company" Movie Trailer

This new movie coming out looks really really good. Looks like a pretty good take on life movie in the mold of "Garden State" (only funnier). It takes me back to a conversation I had long ago with a girl whom, at the time, I was fairly sure I was in love with (OK so you can't be right ALL of the time). But I remember talking about what's to come after college, careers and the like, and how I remember saying that whatever I did it couldn't just be about work, that I would need something else to sustain me. Something to come home to at the end of the day. Anyway, after my campaign trail experience of long hours (and this was just my first one) has only reaffirmed that notion in my head. So I guess I'm looking for some sort of companionship and affection (lets not call it love). Anyway looks like a good movie.

Intelligent Conversations with Scott Sobelman

On my fluency in Hebrew.

Me: shalom
Scott: you're leaving?
Me: no i wanted to say something in hebrew
Me: and my options are pretty limited

Scott: i'll teach you a new hebrew word every day until i run out
Me: for every day of chanukah?
Me: do you know 9 hebrew words?
Scott: yea
Scott: today's Hebrew word of the day is....
Scott: (drumroll)
Scott: hasheeshnik
Scott: pothead
Me: this is like the most amusing IM conversation ever