Skippy's World

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

From the season 7 simpsons episode "Summer of 4 Ft. 2"

Homer: "Hi... ummm... let me have some of those porno magazines... large box
of condoms... a couple of those panty shields... and some
illegal fireworks... and one of those disposable enemas. Ehhh... make it two."

Clerk: "My apologies, sir, but the sale of fireworks is prohibited in this
state and is punishable by a f...
[the last customer leaves]
Follow me."

The clerk shows Homer into his stockpile of fireworks.

Clerk: "Any red-blooded, flag-fearing American would love the M-320.
Celebrate the independence of your nation by blowing up a small
part of it."

Later, Marge goes through Homer's purchase.
Marge: "I don't know what you have
planned tonight, but count me out."

adam: fyi - if youre wondering what to get me for xmas, i just saw a commercial and you can get me a queen latifah walmart gift card
erica: cool. where should i send it to?
adam: queen latifah is awesome
adam: make sure you get me the one of her from "bringing down the house"
erica: i don't know... are these in every store
erica: i wodner if they're selling them in upstate ny
adam: it may be a niche market

i hated this movie (mission to mars)

adam: did you SEE mission to mars
adam: it was kinda like contact only they got eaten by red dust
adam: and there were somehow dinosaurs
adam: i dont remember how
evan: yes.
evan: yes i did
evan: it sucked.

On Ali's new ipod

adam: how full is yours
ali: not at all
ali: its got like 20gb left
adam: put some porn on it
ali: i tried
ali: its gotta be a particular movie fomrat

this article from the washington post is fucking ridiculous. it's about how a virginia city, in an effort to quash illegal immigration, redefined family so that only a certain number can inhabit a house.

my favorite line? "Your nephew, under our law, is considered unrelated,"


From a friend's blog who I haven't spoken to in a few years (to be fair she did go to vietnam).

Saturday, December 24, 2005
Eh hem...

I'd like to make an official announcement, please.

I am getting married.

This is how I find out? I mean not that we're that close...but a blog? Weird.

serious blog slacking lately, sorry the holiday season got to me. will correct with a flurry of posts before i leave to go back to new mexico tomorrow morning.
