Thursday, June 03, 2004
To a friend who is graduating HS and going on to college
"The most important thing to know is that college is about 4 things. In order of least to most important they are, book learning, people/friends, life, and yourself. You'll learn things from books, make the kind of 24/7 friends you've never had before, and learn all the things about life that you have to learn sometime on your own.
But MOST importantly,
You're gonna learn more about yourself then you ever thought possible. and youre gonna learn, love, and grow. and it's gonna be the best years of your life."
We Learned. We Loved. We LIVED.
"The most important thing to know is that college is about 4 things. In order of least to most important they are, book learning, people/friends, life, and yourself. You'll learn things from books, make the kind of 24/7 friends you've never had before, and learn all the things about life that you have to learn sometime on your own.
But MOST importantly,
You're gonna learn more about yourself then you ever thought possible. and youre gonna learn, love, and grow. and it's gonna be the best years of your life."
We Learned. We Loved. We LIVED.
Where's the best place to live in America?

Los Alamos, New Mexico does have the most beautiful sunsets in the world, I'll give them that.
Where's the best place to live in America?
APPARENTLY the answer to that question is LOS ALAMOS, NEW MEXICO. WTF.
Once again. WTF.
Yeah it's a beautiful place and I love New Mexico, but BEST PLACE TO LIVE IN AMERICA?!??!??!
Wow I really dont know what to say.

Los Alamos, New Mexico does have the most beautiful sunsets in the world, I'll give them that.

Where's the best place to live in America?
APPARENTLY the answer to that question is LOS ALAMOS, NEW MEXICO. WTF.
Once again. WTF.
Yeah it's a beautiful place and I love New Mexico, but BEST PLACE TO LIVE IN AMERICA?!??!??!
Wow I really dont know what to say.

*Erica is girl on the front right.

If there's anything we hate here at "Skippy's World" it's losing good friends. It's not something most people enjoy. But sometimes your friends have to do what they have to do and all you can do is support them. That's why while we are saddened to lose one of this website's good friends (and a frequent contributor to our sister site,
Erica Finkle has been with us since our freshman year comparative politics class, through almost getting arrested at Tequila Grill at the end of Freshman year, and has been a staple of the Dakota party existance. That's why we hate to lose her to Cornell University. But we know that our loss is their gain.

Erica, Tim, and I with former Democratic Presidential Candidate Sen. Bob Graham, D-FL at last years Democratic Presidential Candidate's debate.

BTW, and I don't say this very often, Erica was right. She called Kerry as the Democratic nominee last May or so and it turned out she was right. I remember the night we went and saw the Democratic Presidential Debate together she saw Kerry and said, "He looks so Presidential!" She would later fight her way to Kerry's side to get a picture with him.

Erica and her best friend Binky with Alex and I.

So like I told you earlier Erica, you'll always have a home with us here at GW. And while I'm not empowered to speak for everyone here, you know we'll support you in whatever makes you happy. We wish you the best.
And this final thought goes out not only to Erica but to all who care to indulge in my wisdom.
"No matter how hard you try you'll always have regrets. The sooner you realize that, the sooner it stops holding you back."