Skippy's World

Thursday, June 03, 2004

*Erica is girl on the front right.  Posted by Hello

If there's anything we hate here at "Skippy's World" it's losing good friends. It's not something most people enjoy. But sometimes your friends have to do what they have to do and all you can do is support them. That's why while we are saddened to lose one of this website's good friends (and a frequent contributor to our sister site,

Erica Finkle has been with us since our freshman year comparative politics class, through almost getting arrested at Tequila Grill at the end of Freshman year, and has been a staple of the Dakota party existance. That's why we hate to lose her to Cornell University. But we know that our loss is their gain.

Erica, Tim, and I with former Democratic Presidential Candidate Sen. Bob Graham, D-FL at last years Democratic Presidential Candidate's debate.  Posted by Hello

BTW, and I don't say this very often, Erica was right. She called Kerry as the Democratic nominee last May or so and it turned out she was right. I remember the night we went and saw the Democratic Presidential Debate together she saw Kerry and said, "He looks so Presidential!" She would later fight her way to Kerry's side to get a picture with him.

Erica and her best friend Binky with Alex and I.  Posted by Hello

So like I told you earlier Erica, you'll always have a home with us here at GW. And while I'm not empowered to speak for everyone here, you know we'll support you in whatever makes you happy. We wish you the best.

And this final thought goes out not only to Erica but to all who care to indulge in my wisdom.

"No matter how hard you try you'll always have regrets. The sooner you realize that, the sooner it stops holding you back."



  • In the beginning, there was Comparative Politics class with Croatti and going on my first college fieldtrip with you to the Chinese Embassy. And from there, it only got better. There was my glorious entry on the quotes page that won the top award for "outstanding achievement in the field of quote excellence," we made every Wednesday night into a West Wing tradition, the various poitical/journalism events we attended including presidential nominee debates, trick or treating at the embassies, the toast to Johnny Cash that was the first of several party nights in Dakota, the incident where I was referred to as meat in a freezer, somehow managing to do well in Rocks for Jocks class even though neither of us attended, the important conversations about serious stuff, and too many more things to list. It's been fun. It's not over yet. I'll be down to visit before you know it. And just think, you and Jenna and everyone else can watch Red Sox games without the annoyance of a loud-mouthed Yankee fan (but you better believe you guys will be the first call I make when the Yanks beat the Sox, which we inevitably will). By the way, I had an AWESOME time. Peace out. I'll see ya soon. "To the window..."

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:29 AM  

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