Skippy's World

Monday, May 17, 2004

First day of work at the Kerry campaign, they weren't really ready for me to start though. So I'm kicking around the volunteer arena with some other interns who showed up early. I did walk in to see Paul Begala and John Podesta through the glass in their main conference room having a strategy session, that was pretty cool. I'm getting a picture ID today to get me past secret service, getting myself positioned to stand head and shoulders above the other interns who are gonna come pouring in over the next few weeks, and getting myself settled. I found out where the speechwriting office is, I really want to get an in there and move over from research where I'm going to start. But I gotta pay my dues with bitch work first, but this is exciting. Oh and I already got invited to reception with John Kerry for tomorrow night. Pretty cool.



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