Skippy's World

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Political Time.

Politics at its finest has a new home here at Skippy's World.

To start you off, here is simply the greatest website ever. Having doubts about Kerry but don't like Bush? This will help you make up your mind.

(Kerry shaking hands when he came to GW.)  Posted by Hello

Once again that's,

Topics of essays include the following.

Instances of Doucheitude and Why it Doesn't Matter

How Fucked We are Right Now

How Fucked We will be With 4 More Years of George W. Bush

Why This is Not the Time or the Place to Vote for a 3rd Party Candidate

Why Every Conservative Should Seriously Consider Voting Democrat this Fall

And here is a wonderful quotes from the new GQ piece on Colin Powell. The quote is from his Harlan Ullman, Colin Powell's mentor from the National War College and a well known military scholar.

"Ullman said, "I can tell you firsthand that there is a tremendous barrier between Cheney and Powell, and there has been for a long time. It's like McCain saying that his relations with the president are 'congenial,' meaning McCain doesn't tell the president to go fuck himself every time." Then he added, "Condi's a jerk.""

Read the rest here.