Skippy's World

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

My toast to the loss of Johnny Cash earlier in the year.

In that tradition, and in the spirit of Bert's ingenious toast, here's one of my own that's been gracing my profile for the last week or so. Enjoy.

So here's to taking every advantage of every opportunity that knocks.
To not fearing the unknown, but exploring and embracing it.
Here's to the discoveries about yourself that change your life.
To waking up to new possibilities instead of old problems.
To one day at a time and living every day that comes.
To no regrets...and to accepting that no matter how hard you try you'll always have them.
To the one that got away...and the one you haven't yet met.
To all the places you'll go, especially the ones you never expected.
To chasing your dreams.
To life the life in your days and time of your life.
This toast goes out no matter if you're here nor there, this one is for everyone anywhere.

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