Skippy's World

Monday, May 17, 2004

My first day of work for the Kerry Campaign is tomorrow morning. Or I guess, technically, this morning. It's nearly 2:45am and I haven't yet gotten to bed, though you would think I would want to be in peak shape for my first day of work at a Presidential campaign. I'm pretty much hoping to rely on adrenaline and excitement to get my through the first day (before coming home, packing, and PTFOing).

Someone asked me if I was excited for tomorrow and I am, though not like I thought I would be. Don't get me wrong this is the opportunity of a lifetime and I'm going to take every advantage of it, but the last few weeks I've just been in one of those moods where you need something to SNAP you out of the rut you're in. What do I mean by rut? That's not at all a diss on all of the wonderful people who I am lucky enough to surround myself with her, my friends have given me memories (and 1500 pictures from this year) that I will never forget.

But when you're a wounded heart, the world turns slower then you would like. And while dawns come, they never come in quite the fashion you want. I've been told this kind of thing takes time to get over, and I'm of course hoping the thrill of embarking on my dream job (and hopefully dream career) will be just the thing I need.

When you've recovering from love you realize things about yourself and the relationship you had. I'm lucky because I'm that much better for having had her in my life and I'm a bigger, and better, more complete person. But now I understand how falling love means and having your heart broken means that it's that much more difficult for you to do it the next time. It's a gradual system you see, it happens a couple of times, and when there's someone who finally breaches the wall you've built (out of bricks, and mortar, and the third thing *yah sport's night) then that's how you know.

I'd like to thank you all for your well-wishes. Today, I went to commencement on the mall (WTF?!? WE'RE HALF DONE WITH COLLEGE?!? WTF!) and got to thinking about the line I wrote for my high school graduation speech. (Which I may post later)

It's a lyric that has always rang true for me...

"Every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end..."

Tomorrow morning the sun's gonna rise on a new day. Time to seize it.

#21: "Fall in love, fall out of love, fall in love again."
*well this one is 2/3's completed, but I've got 2 more years to finish it off.
