Skippy's World

Tuesday, May 18, 2004


*got myself a badge with my picture on it (yes I do look retarded) on my first day (gets me past Secret Service, does not open doors). The other 2 interns who got them had been working there for like 6-8 weeks and were just now getting them.

*Discussed the miracle that is TiVo with not one or two, but THREE democratic operatives at Kerry HQ. My department, research, has 2 TiVos. SWEET. (for those of you who have not seen my TiVo article that I wrote for the hatchet, see it HERE)

*Got invited to a reception with John Kerry for workers and volunteers tomorrow (Tuesday). Not going to work tomorrow because I have to move in but I am still showing up for the reception. Free food too.

*Met former Georgia Sen. Max Cleland, a personal hero. Sen. Cleland lost his legs and his right arm in Vietnam and the Bush administration ran ads comparing his to Saddam Hussein. All because he opposed a twisted version of The Homeland Security department that he had FIRST COME UP WITH. As Bill Clinton put it best, "shame on them, what more could Max Cleland give to his country that he hasn't already given?" One of the TOP reasons the Republican Right makes me sick to my stomach. For shame.

Anyway my grandmother went to chuch with him and his parents at the Methodist Church in Lithonia, Georgia. Mentioned this to him and he gave me a hug and told me to pass it along to her. Fucking awesome.

Me and Paul Begala during the live Hurricane Isabel Crossfire broadcast. Posted by Hello

*Paul Begala was planning strategy and rapid-response in the conference room when I walked in (it's glassed in and I could see it. Very cool, though I do get to see him in my SMPA building regularly. Still Cool.)

Stoked to go back on Wednesday and start up with Research. B.I.O. Bush (Bring It On).


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