Skippy's World

Sunday, December 12, 2004

It's almost 5am and for some reason I haven't gone to bed yet. So I decided to take a moment and blog again. Now there's a part of the past I don't like to revisit, it's locked away with the plethora of bad memories from some certain ex-girlfriends. I'm talking about the events of November 2nd and losing the Presidential election. Never an easy thing, particularly when you pour your heart and soul into something so important. But our system is designed with a winner and a loser and there's no way around such a system meaning there will be some who are disappointed by the outcome. It's the acceptance you make with democracy.

I remember walking to the campaign HQ at 5am on November 2nd, not knowing the day would bring, but full of an incredable hope and feeling. I remember saying to myself, God how I wish I could bottle this amazing feeling of anticipation and hope, the culmination of this long journey.

Now things might not have worked out the way I wanted but it doesn't change the importance of the things we fought for this time around. Or the amazing trip it was for me. In tribute of that moment, my little trip back in time, here's the away message I had up on election day.


first off...VOTE if you haven't already *and vote KERRY

and for all my friends who've been a part of this journey for the last six months, from florida to boston, ohio to nevada, north carolina and beyond, let's bring this one home for John Kerry. Win this one for us.

And for my friends here and everywhere, thanks for putting up with me for these last six months. I heart the gritty too.

NOW it's time to BRING IT ON. From 4am to victory...

In Kerry's own words, our journey, your stories.