Skippy's World

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Liter of Strongbow Hard Citer...3.10 pounds.
Student Tickets to the London Philharmonic Orchestra...5 pounds.
Unplanned Ticket for Weekend in Brussels...100 pounds.
Discovering Adam...Priceless.

Where the streets have no name...

A couple of days ago I was chatting with an old friend from home who asked me why I came to London. And the truth of the answer isn't what most people think, like fleeing the country after Bush won or an unusual attraction to bad teeth. Some people in life are thrill-seekers, seeking out cliffs to jump off or big mountains to scale. I've always thought of myself as a challenge-seeker, never wanting to grow complacent and always worried I was missing out. And at times that trek has brought me around the country and now...across the sea.

I guess the best way to put what I'm hoping to find from this can be summed up, in a curiously unsuprising way, by a television commercial I've never really forgotten. It's one of those campy and cheesy Mastercard commercials about a college kid backpacking through Europe.

The finals shot in the commercial is a long shot of "Steve" on a train with Europe wizzing by in the background. The biggest smile breaks out on his face and it says simply...

"Discovering Steve...Priceless."

I haven't had a "Discovering Adam" moment yet but my quest for one brought me here. Where I'll find it in the next few months, I have no idea. But I've rarely had any idea where the path would take me when I started down a road and it hasn't worked out too badly so far.

What will your cheesy mastercard commerical be?


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