Skippy's World

Friday, January 07, 2005

London (aka Lon-dizzle) Departure
T-Minus: 8.5 Hours
Wow. I guess it really is true when they say that more things change the more they stay the same. Back, what seems a lifetime ago, I was sitting at this same computer at my parent's house in Dallas at 3am the night before I left to go to Israel, pecking away at the keyboard writing in my blog as to extend my packing procrastination. That was almost a year and a half ago, a lifetime before the "What the Hell was I Thinking-Gate" (aka the saga of the ex-girlfriend) and the election of a lifetime (which I guess also makes it the disappointment of a lifetime).

I took a moment earlier to glance back at the old livejournal that served me ably as I blogged my way across Israel. It's so amusing to look back and remember the memories that those entries trigger, including this gem.

I am an honorary member of the Israeli Navy Seals.
For the record yesterday I was invited to become a member of the Israeli navy seals by the vice admiral of the Israeli navy. Apparently I would've had to "enlist" and then had to "get in shape" and "learn to speak Hebrew." So we scrapped that plan. But I did (briefly consider it).

If you get a chance check the old girl out at

And so now we arrive on today, January 7th, 2005. The day I depart for London, a new location, a new year, a new experience. Noted my earlier look back, I realized that the best part of this ride has really been not knowing that hell was going to come around the next corner. There was a time in my life when that bothered me, but I got over it pretty damn quick. I once told someone "You can't spend your life worrying that you'll have regrets, you'll have them no matter what decisions you make, that's just the nature of choice. It's once you realize that you can't escape them that you're free from them." She never understood my sentiment, but then again, she never really understood me.

And so away I prepare to go, never quite knowing what to expect and rarely, if ever, even somewhat adequately prepared. But life would be a terrible bore if you knew what was coming or if it went to plan. And so a new toast, to start 2005 (the year of the BONCH) off right.

So here's to chucking the playbook right out the window.
Here's to flying by the seat of your pants.
Here's to the things that bite you in the ass and the lessons you'll never forget because of it. (Fucking Swift Boats)
To all the friends from the past, the ones here with you now, and the ones you've haven't yet met because they're no less important, you just don't know it yet.
To trashy television, sonically unrefined music, and all the life-altering attitudes that "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" introduced us to.
And to "The Audacity of Hope" that sustains us all. (courtesy of Sen. Barack Obama)

There's a favorite quote I have from a favorite television show, the short-lived but award-winning "Sport's Night" from West-Wing creator Aaron Sorkin.

Casey: "I have a plan, it's napoleon's plan."
Dan: "Who is Napoleon?"
Casey: "The 19th century French general and emperor."
Dan: "You're getting snippy now? What's Napoleon's plan?"
Casey: "It's a two part plan. First we show up...and then we see what
Dan: "First we show up and then we see what happens? That was Napoleon's
Casey: "Yes."
Dan: "Against the Russian army?"
Casey: "Yes."
Dan: "Almost hard to believe he lost."

Little could some up my sentiments on the adventure that is my life better then that. First we show up...and then we see what happens. Keeping winning G-Dub B-Ball, stay classy USA, and don't stop thinking about tomorrow.




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