Skippy's World

Friday, September 17, 2004

I was asked by a democratic colleauge asked me to help "punk" her boss by making up an fake email asking for them to have a new song for the campaign. My genius is below.

Dear Misters Kerry and/or Edwards,

My name is Hakmil Urtakizarvi and I am an immigrant to your very good country. I come from Bratislava, but at a young age I was taken from my home by the Soviets and forced into a junior athletes camp to train me for the Olympics. The Russians thought I could win gold in diving board but I was no good and they sent me to another camp, one run by the KGB. They taught me there to hate pig-dog Americans and to fight for the glory of the motherland, but I never believed them.

I am writing you today now as a citizen of your very very good country to tell you about the moment and the man that brought freedom and love into my life. It was November of 1989 and the Berlin Wall was falling. My commander had ordered us to shoot the facist westerners, but we all ran to see the wall fall. It was there that I saw him for the first time.

They whispered that his name was, and I forget never this…

David Hasselhoff. And he sang this song about freedom that touched me in a way that I had never been touched. And I liked the way that Mr. Hasselhoff touched me.

Now in a time of great evil with the Bush man, I look at Mr. Kerry and see him as new David Hasselhoff. Please tell Mr. Kerry to sing the song “freedom,” to bring it to my new country as Mr. Hasselhoff once brought it to my old one. Please let Mr. Kerry touch me in the same way Mr. Hasselhoff once touched me.

I have been looking for freedom…

Sincerest Kindest Regards,

Hakmil Urtakizarvi


  • I resent being used in a crass imperalist propaganda campaign. I remain true to my ideals and my singing. You have abused my generosity for the last time. Down with all you pig capitalists.
    Signed: David Hasselhoff

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:53 AM  

  • Dear Owner of this Website,

    I was appaled to see Mr. Hasselhoffs name used in such a terrible and demeaning way. And for what!? A sick joke by some little kids. I want you to know that kids like you is why the smurfs are no longer on the air. The smurfs were once something great and ideal, but we were currupted by the same imperialistic people that would write such a joke. I am so angry, this is why Doug Flutie and I moved to Canada!



    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:00 PM  

  • My name is Kahmil Urtakizavi, note that it is not Urtakizarvi, you added an extra "r". Actually your story is close to the truth except it was not diving, but badminton. My problem was the little shuttlecocks used in badminton - I hit them so hard my little cock kept coming off of the shuttle.

    I would like to use this opportunity to introduce myself as I've changed my name to Monica Lewinski, I know it's a strange American name for a guy, but hey it got her in the White House. I saw where she is voting Republican in the presidential election, something about the Democrats left a bad taste in her mouth. A shame.

    I must leave now as I hear my ride outside, it is my good buddy Michael Jackson. Now don't start with all the comments about Michael, he is a sweet guy & he lets me sleep over at this ranch. He's even gotten into bed with me, but he's just a nice guy, nothing too weird. You see, Michael has a little wee-wee & is constantly looking for someone he can be a big guy to. Once he saw my big Johnson, he left my bed & headed for greener pastures.

    I want to wish all you guys & gals at George Washington the best & wondered if you could give me Martha's phone number. I heard George is dead & wondered if Martha was dating again. Besides I like older women.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:06 AM  

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