Skippy's World

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Howard Dean in the process of ROCKING THE VOTE!

On Sunday night at the convention, after the Congressional Black Caucus Cruise, BBQ, and Clam Bake, we made our way over the hot party of the night. Located at the largest club in Boston, Club Avalon (home of my first experience with heartbreak, clubbing, and sketchiness. Good times) the price of admittance was spending a two days in grassroot training from a group called GAIN. The reward? A rocking party with Bill Clinton (and Hillary), Jon Stewart, Al Sharpton, Biz Markie, and many others...the line? Only FOUR HOURS LONG. For those of you who don't know Avalon is located next to Fenway, and the Sox were playing the Yankees. Actually, John Kerry (JK for short) helicoptered in to throw out the first pitch, pretty cool eh?

Jerry Springer giving a surprisingly inspirational speech. Ladies and gentlemen, the next democratic candidate for the governor of Ohio (no really).

So back to the line. After waiting in line for an hour we say "screw it," proceed to the VIP line, cut literally 3,000 or so waiting people, and walk in. Were we VIPs? Hell no. The trick is to act as if you belong and be extremely put-off and pissed-off if anyone gives you shit.

Natalie Portman caught in a moment of clear angst as she informs us that, yes, young people DO have the power.

Once inside it was a long list of political celebs; Dean, Natalie Portman, Jerry Springer, Biz Markie DJed, Mission to Burma played a set, Terry McAuliff, Alex and Vanessa Kerry, Kate Edwards...and more.

A picture that I will treasure for the rest of my life, Aaron Banks and I with the honorable Jerry Springer. This picture will also come back to haunt me one day.

Be still my heart. Alex and Vanessa Kerry make an appearance at the concert...Alex and I shared a moment...she just didn't know it.

Kate Edwards, a recent graduate of Princeton, also made an appearance. Not the dual wristbands on her arms, which means she's...42 years old. Posted by Hello

In one of the more surreal moments of my life, the Revered Al Sharpton raps while Biz Markie DJs in the background. Posted by Hello

IN a memory that I will never forget, Terry McAuliff, the chairman of the DNC, introduced "A GREAT DEMOCRAT...BIZ MARKIE!" DJing an amazing set (he knew his whitebread crowd) Biz introed the REVERED AL SHARPTON who then sang along to a James Brown song...remixed courtesy of Biz Markie. Surely the most surreal moment of my life.

Of course as it turns out, GAIN (the ones that threw the party) forgot to INVITE Bill Clinton...AND Jon Stewart. And then they forgot to tell we waited while a crappy smooth jazz band set up and played a warm up set for two hours before Lauren Hill ascended the stage. And played one song.

After Bill Clinton and Jon Stewart, the party's headliners, were no shows, they placated the crowd with a brief one song appearance by Lauren Hill. Pretty badass though. Posted by Hello

After which we were all promptly told to get the hell out because Boston closes down at 2am. Only after the crowd threatened to riot (partially inspired by me) did some squirrelly looking guy come out say that Clinton wasn't coming and for us to leave.

But it wasn't ruining our food, it was a great party! More convention stories and pics to come!


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