Skippy's World

Sunday, June 06, 2004

Sir. William Fredrick Hitchcock Posted by Hello

Will's Wisdom

We're introducing a new segment here at "Skippy's World" know as "Will's Wisdom" (Yes, I know it's kind of an oxymoron). William (pictured above in his finest hour) occasionally dispenses wisdom and quoteable wit that bears repeating. *this feature will also be located on our sister site, Quotes of the Day. So without further adue, we proudly present the first segment of "Will's Wisdom." Enjoy.

(On discussing where to go to lunch and narrowing it down to Hooters or the burger place Five Guys)
Me: "So what will it be? Hooters or Five Guys?"
Will: "Dude how GAY would we be if we choose FIVE GUYS over Hooters?!?"
(laughter follows)

(In the CVS Deodorant asile)
Randy: "I hate sweating."
Will: "Yeah I hate sweating too."
(random guy also in the deodorant asile)
Random guy: "Dude I hear you, I'm sweating up a storm in this!" (points to sweater)
Will: "Well it is a SWEAT-ER. Duh."

*more wisdom from will to follow


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