Skippy's World

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

On the floor of the Fleetcenter at the Democratic National Convention Posted by Hello

Some of you might not know that I somehow managed to sneak my way into the Democratic National Convention in Boston last month. Let me make it clear that I had absolutely no right to be at the convention and it was only through the grace of the good lord above that I was able to wrangle my way in with two of my co-workers at the Kerry Campaign. We were assigned as interns to staff the war rooms for the campaign in Boston (since we essentially moved our entire operation to Boston for the Convention).

Over the next few posts I'll share some funny stories, pictures, and lessons I learned from what really is the biggest (to use an uber-poli comm term) Political Spectacle in the land (Entman eat your heart out!).

Anyway it's a little late so I don't really have anything exciting to put down before I pass out, but stay tuned, there's definitely more to come.


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