Skippy's World

Sunday, August 15, 2004

The Proud Residents of 526 22nd St, NW...aka "The Gritty" Posted by Hello

Where shall the future take us? Thataway... Posted by Hello

It's nice to know that our maturity survived the summer intact. Posted by Hello

So that's summer comes a close and a new chapter in my life is set to begin. For those of you who I haven't been keeping in the loop (and for that I apologize) I will be taking the fall semester off from school to work full time on the Kerry-Edwards campaign where I have been working all summer. By the way, when I say take a semester off I mean I somehow managed to sweet-talk housing into letting me live in Ivory Towers if I took one class. So it's kind of like getting to go to school WITHOUT actually going to school.

Some of you may notice this is my first post in a good long while, I apologize this summer got so crazy that I didn't have time to keep up with blogging duties. Over the next few weeks I'm going to post stories from my crazy adventure of a summer (Kerry campaign, living in "The Gritty," the Democratic National Convention in Boston, etc.) to share with all of my loyal readers (Hi Dad).

Anyway, check back often because I'm now back on the blogging track.



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