Skippy's World

Thursday, August 19, 2004

So of course, my internet has stopped that's a suprise. In an irony that' know...really ironic, we've had another internet problem. If you're not aware, Will and I have had some pretty terrible luck with Resnet, the interweb, and our computers in general. In fact, we haven't had two functional computers since about May. But no matter (I HAD INTERNET LAST NIGHT DAMMIT!) because as it turns it, it's my birthday. That's right 20 years ago today I was born...or so I'm told. Keep in mind I am adopted and that the early records of my first days on this earth are extremely sketchy, for all I know this only my birthday because they told me it was (I could even be 21...that's totally what I'm going to tell the bouncers from now on). As a child it used to bother me that I didn't know what time I was born at and I think my parents finally just arbitrarily decided on a time to shut me up (ironically we've all forgotten what time we decided, so now I don't even know when the FAKE time I was born was).

Anyway so this is your birthday blog. I hope some of you got to see the Olympics tonight, it was amazing to see Paul Homm grab a gold medal by 12/1000 of a point and come back from 12th place to 1st. That's the kind of thing you see made into a movie later, it was that impressive. Tack that on to the American men's swimming 800 medley relay last night that saw the Americans hold off the Thorpedo for the gold by 130/100s of a second, and tonight's shattering of the women's 800 medley relay world recond 17 years to the day after it was set, and it's shaping up to be a pretty exciting Olympics. The ratings have been pretty good too, finally something worth watching on TV.

Well that's about it for this birthday blog, feel free to explore the ability to leave comments at the bottom of my entries (there should be a link below), be nice to know if anyone was reading this.

Happy birthday to me...


  • I've done some indepth research on the internet & received a reply from the Holt Adoption Agency in Seoul, Korea. It has now been validated that the reason you have no time of birth is that you were never born in the normal manner. The agency stated that a little bird they were feeding deposited its waste one day on the small beaver dam located in the nearby creek just outside one of the tenant buildings. After several days the waste hardened and you magically appeared the next morning when they arose. You were always referred to as that little boy who was conceived "at the dam", later shortened to Adam. You were first noticed after the stink went away, figuring that was when the inhabitants went to bed, figure on 11 PM as your birth time. I am very proud to be able to spread a little sunshine into your day.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:28 AM  

  • Young Man - I wish you &/or your buddies would call me if you have a problem with the Internet. Since I created the Internet & have a world reputation to protect you need to call me. Just call (202)666-exVP. Signed: Al Gore. If all else fails, Tipper will read you a Bible verse as I know you heathen college types need our prayers.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:32 AM  

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